Thursday, July 30, 2009


So, I have the new dollkey script done. I jusat need to add one tiny little thing to it and it's finished and will go into beta whenever that happens. I managed to hit all my goals, and then some.

Trust me; the AiTech dollkeys are already kickass, and they've just become even more kickass.

Now, I have to finish up a couple of things I'm doing to the dollytalker script. It';s taking a bit. I'm not able to really focus on scripting at the moment. It all just slips through my fingers like fine sand. There's moments when I get it back solid, and I script like mad then, but I'm slowing down a bit. Ugh.

Either way, I have good feelings about getting this stuff pushed out soon, as well.

So yah; expect great things, soon (can't put a date to it, but yah. Soon.)

Monday, July 27, 2009

[AiTech] Doll Keys and other such goodies....

So, I'm the head scripter for AiTech. And that does -not- mean I micro-manage other scripters. No, it pretty much means any scripts that go into AiTech products, I wrote. We do have another scripter, but so far she hasn't put anything out.

So yah, I'm over worked (but well paid; people love the doll keys).

Speaking of Doll Keys. I've been working on version two (don't worry; free upgrades to those that bought version one). It's been slow at times; I've been so out of sorts and not up to scripting a 'Hello World' script, let alone anything more complex. But recently, that blockage cleared.

Here's what I have done:

- Auto-repositioner/auto-detach. What this is, is that if you attach it to Spine, Chest, Stomach, Left Pec, or Right Pec, the key will auto adjust to a decent position (you'll have to manually perfect the adjustment, but it shouldn't be hard), and set the correct values for the spin, so it doesn't go wonky (as it does currently). If it's attached to a pint that isn't Spine, Chest, Stomach, Left Pec, or Right Pec, then it will detach itself and give a warning (this is so the key doesn't get messed up because of where you tried to attach it).

- UnWind. Yes, now the owner of the dolly can click a button and unwind their dolly. Perfect for punishment and for long term storage.

- Clothes Lock. RLV only feature. Lock all clothes layers to the dolly. Will see about making the joints lock as well when this happens. And yes, there will be a corrosponding Clothes-UN-Locking function. I'm not that mean. ;P

Hold Key. Currently in the works. I just need to script the logic for it (all the hooks for the main script are done, but I have to start a second script to get this feature into it).

- Break/Repair system. Like the Hold Key feature, I've got the hooks in the main script all done. All that remains is the logic (and this one may take me a bit of time. Who knows).

- Dolly Renamer. Yus, that's right. A renamer for your dolly (because let's be honest. Most people wanna cutsify the dolly's name). This isn't fully realized yet, as I'm not sure if it will be in the main script or the second script. BUT, I know how I'll do it. It'll just be determined by how much memory it'll suck, and where it'll go.

- Integration with the Dolly Talker and Dolly Joints. I'm working on integrating these a bit better. The Doll Joints I've mentioned, but I want to do it for the Talker too. You know; who the dolly's owner is; if the talker should be locked (if the key is locked, so should the talker), the dolly's name. That sort of thing. Mostly, right now, I need to sit down and rewrite the dolly talker. Whee.

- Keep the AiTech Doll Keys both the best dollkeys in SL, and the most inexpensive for their great feature list/awesome quality.

- One or two other surprises to be had (can't reveal everything, after all.)

And...that's it on this front.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I've never been one for blogs. I don't have the attention span to keep them updated, you see. But meh, Asami made one, so I may as well do the same. We'll see how much dust this actually collects.

Until then, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and maybe this will prove fruitful.

Or a waste of time.