Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dollkey 2.0

Ugh, I think I have it done. I hope I have it done.

Let me explain.

The dollkey was never meant to interact with a HUD. I've never tried to write something that did. I found it incredibly hard.

Now, I understand that it should have been easy., Except I don't like putting out a halfassed product anymore then people like buying them. Which elevates the complexity of the script a hell of a lot. Gotta make sure it works as it's supposed to and all that. it's doubly hard when it places RLV restrictions on someone. Gotta make sure they're removed promptly when they're not needed.

All of this basically means that it's taken me longer then I would have liked to script the damn thing properly. I'm pretty sure it's as it's supposed to be, but there's always that niggling doubt in the back of my mind that I effed up massively.

In either case, the dollkey will prolly go to beta today or tomorrow and we'll see how it goes. Hopefully well.

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